1 Day to FIUTS CulturalFest 2024!


“CulturalFest is able to foster strong cultural understanding within our community as it allows groups like us to make our culture accessible and integrative in the mainstream media.”  

UW Awaaz 

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Over the years, groups found FIUTS CulturalFest as a special occasion to unite people with similar backgrounds while getting their stories out to a greater audience.  

UW Awaaz is using their heavenly voices again to articulate a beautiful story of the blend of South Asian cultures with the Western rhythm . . .

UW Awaaz Group photo

UW Awaaz

UW Awaaz is a South Asian fusion A cappella group at the University of Washington which takes songs from South Asian and Western culture and creates harmonious arrangements of all varieties. As a fusion a cappella team, we strive to share the diversity in musical genre across the South Asian diaspora, and also illustrate universalism in certain core features that are similar among all musical styles. 

We have performed many years at FIUTS CulturalFest. Throughout the years, we have enjoyed seeing all the other cultures represented through diverse forms of art. Being able to experience a variety of perspectives through art and correlating that with our own experience is what makes FIUTS such a unique experience for us as a team. Ultimately, it inspires the set and arrangements for our own competition season. 

We will showcase a variety of South Asian classical and contemporary music with a unique twist of mashing up western music, like jazz phrases, within our arrangements. The intertwining of South Asian and Western music mimics the syncretism between South Asian and Western cultures during the South Asian diaspora. Our members grew up listening to both forms of music and all have a passion for singing, which is demonstrated in our set.

CulturalFest is able to foster strong cultural understanding within our community as it allows groups like us to make our culture accessible and integrative in the mainstream media. It also supports the syncretism of our cultural roots with Western culture, while having us learn about new cultures from other performances as well. The FIUTS showcase allows us to glimpse into the roots of other cultural groups in our community, guiding us to find similarities and differences between our cultures through art. 

It’s never too late to hop on this healing melody journey with us at CulturalFest 2024!