FIUTS Connections 2017


FIUTS Connections

This Fall, international and domestic students at UW had the unique opportunity to participate in FIUTS' intercultural group friendship program: FIUTS Connections. Small groups of students met throughout Fall Quarter to practice intercultural communication, explore Seattle together and make new friends. Each small team of students was lead by two FIUTS student facilitators who planned events and outings for their team. In addition to the team outings, FIUTS hosted activities for all the groups of friends to intermingle, such as a global potluck and making gingerbread houses.


FIUTS Connections was a great way for international students to explore Seattle with locals, and for domestic students to meet the international student community and learn about new cultures.


Thank you to all of the FIUTS Connections facilitators and participants! You truly helped make this program a success!




Here's what participants loved about FIUTS Connections this year:


"Getting insight into how people from around the world do life differently than we do in the US, and getting the chance to ask foreign students about their time in Seattle. I really like the opportunity to make people feel welcome here."


"The variety of activities and the push to keep making new connections."

FIUTS Connections 2017 Highlights:

Students getting to know each other at the Welcome Event

Students getting to know each other at the Welcome Event


Team outing to Discovery Park

Team outing to Discovery Park

Playing group games at the Global Potluck

Playing group games at the Global Potluck

Team dinner outing

Team dinner outing

Team Bubble Tea outing

Team Bubble Tea outing

Getting creative at the Gingerbread House Making Event

Getting creative at the Gingerbread House Making Event

"I think it's not only an awesome forum for students from abroad to get plugged into, and I think students at UW have a lot to gain by meeting folks from other cultures and learning about their lives a bit. Plus, I think it's a great thing to take your time to help make somebody else feel at home in Seattle."

 FIUTS has many opportunities all year round to build cross-cultural connections and make friends from around the world. Check out our calendar of events for more information about what's coming up!