As an organization that serves both students and the community at large, FIUTS depends on student engagement in executing its mission. The FIUTS Student Board is an elected group of student leaders who support our work on campus and represent the student perspective as voting members of the Board of Trustees. In addition to serving as Board Members, The Student Board produces events, takes part in ongoing leadership development, and provides strategic leadership to the staff and organization.

Have a question for the FIUTS Student Board? Send them an email!


Student board members in formal wear at FIUTS Global Gala, holding red roses to celebrate the end of the year.

2023-2024 FIUTS Student Board

Regina Setiawan

Position: Co-President
Hometown/Country of Origin: Indonesia
School: UW Field of Study: Economics
Languages: Indonesian and English

Shiuhao Quek

Position: Co-President
Hometown/Country of Origin: Malaysia
School: UW Field of Study: Human Centered Design & Engineering
Bucket List: Coming Soon!

Chiann-Yu Chen

Position: CulturalFest Performance Co-Chair
Hometown/Country of Origin: Taiwan
School: UW Field of Study: Economics
Languages: English, Mandarin, French

Ana Luiza Ferreira

Position: Outreach
Hometown/Country of Origin: Pedro Leopoldo, Brazil
School: Bellevue College Field of Study: Business
Languages: Portuguese and English

Samuel Han

Position: Secretary
Hometown/Country of Origin: Korea
School: UW Field of Study: Biochemistry
Bucket List: Become famous!

Emily Na

Position: CulturalFest Expo
Hometown/Country of Origin: Korea & Japan
School: UW Field of Study: Biochemistry
Bucket List: Coming Soon!

Rajeshwari Viswanatha

Position: CulturalFest Performance
Hometown/Country of Origin: India
School: UW Field of Study: Business/Real Estate
Bucket List: Coming Soon!

Zoe Yang

Position: CulturalFest Expo
Hometown/Country of Origin: Xinjiang, China
School: UW Field of Study: Architecture Languages: Chinese, English, Japanese Favorite Place: my bed!

Open Position!